Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Michael's Birthday - 15th

Michael's Birthday - 15th
When the boy is growing he has a wolf in his belly. ~German Proverb

Michael is no longer a child, but not quite a man yet.
(He eats everything in sight! As if he will never eat again, or there is an endless supply in our refrigerator. Is this normal?!)
He is changing rapidly and at times, I feel he is trying to find his identity. Some days he is rough and tough. Other days, he's got a chip on his shoulder. I know this is part of the teen years, but I know him well. He has a tender heart, a love and patience for little children. He is kind and gentle. Sometimes he hides it, but its there. Even if he doesn't want anyone to see it, this is who he is at the core. He likes to be "goofy" and laugh. He is a nurturer and helper.
Michael is a great person. He will become a great man.

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