Saturday, September 29, 2007

Special Day

Suddenly, through birthing a daughter, a woman finds herself face to face not only with an infant, a little girl, a woman-to-be, but also with her own unresolved conflicts from the past and her hopes and dreams for the future.... As though experiencing an earthquake, mothers of daughters may find their lives shifted, their deep feelings unearthed, the balance struck in all relationships once again off kilter. ~Elizabeth Debold and Idelisse Malave

Today is a special day. Sixteen years ago today, we were blessed with an 8 lb, 5 oz healthy & perfect little girl, with rosy cheeks, a rosebud mouth, blue eyes and blond hair. Emily Evan Beath is our first child and our only daughter. She is named after both of my grandmother's--(Emily) Emma Alice Platz, my Dad's mother & (Evan) Evelyn Margaret Rollins, my Mom's mother.
I recall the day we brought her home for the first time. The tears came so easily. Such a mixture of emotion. My heart was so full of joy and anticipation, yet fear of the unknown and for lack of experience at such a young age. (Joe & I were only 21 & 22 yrs old!)
I suppose all parents question whether they've handled issues the right way. I second guess myself, and may even realize in hind-sight the things I should have done differently. I won't say parenthood is easy, it's been very difficult at times, but I can say there are times when I've seen Emily say or do something, and I realize she is listening. She is watching. She cares, even when she acts as if she doesn't.
And apparently, we've done something right along the way. Therefore, I don't give up, I don't throw in the towel, even though some days I want to gag her with one to stop the arguing!
LOL :)
We continue moving ahead, two steps forward, one step back, all in the goal of achieving adulthood and hopefully a relationship which is of friendship between parents & a grown child.

I pray she continues to mature into a responsible young woman, who loves the Lord, treats others with respect, as well as herself, and helps those in need. My hope is that she will recognize her own value and worth as God sees her.
She is two years from officially being an adult...I hope we continue giving her the opportunity to spread her wings and be prepared to take flight.

~Mom & Dad

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